ha iniziato a suonare l’oboe a 10 anni sotto la guida di Margaret Eliot. Ha ricevuto una borsa di studio Junior Exhibition alla Royal Academy of Music e due anni più tardi a 16 anni la concessione di una borsa di studio per il Royal College of Music nel quale ha studiato sotto la guida di Terence McDonough. Ha vinto il Premio Joy Boughton Memorial per oboe ed è stato nominato primo oboe della RCM Chamber Orchestra nel secondo anno di studio.
Dopo aver lasciato il college, ha intrapreso una carriera freelance in tutto il Regno Unito, prima di unirsi alla Philharmonia Orchestra. Nel 1978 è stato nominato primo oboe dell’English National Opera Orchestra e nel 1986 primo oboe della London Symphony Orchestra, carica che ha ricoperto per 19 anni.
Durante questo periodo ha girato il mondo, lavorando sotto grandi direttori come Sir Colin Davis, Bernard Haitink, Michael Tilson Thomas, Lorin Maazel, Valery Gergiev e André Previn. Il giorno di Natale del 1989, si è esibito al “Celebration Concert Berlino”, per commemorare la caduta del muro, come primo oboe di un’orchestra internazionale formata e diretta da Leonard Bernstein, un evento trasmesso in diretta in 22 paesi.
Dominic Muldowney è stato incaricato di scrivere un concerto per oboe dedicato al lui e la London Symphony Orchestra ha eseguito la prima mondiale e inciso un CD nel 1992. Altri quattro CD seguono tra il 1995 e il 2002, questa volta come un membro del Deutz Trio; Accanto a Paul Edmund-Davis e John Alley, rispettivamente flautista e pianista principali della London Symphony Orchestra, con i quali ha dato delle masterclasses internazionali.
Nella sua carriera di insegnante, ha stato visiting professor presso la Royal Academy of Music e Royal College of Music e tra il 1990 e il 1995 è stato docente di Oboe alla Guildhall School of Music and Drama, nel corso del quale pubblicato il libro di pezzi per solo oboe della serie Collezione dell’Oboista.
Nella musica pop, ha registrato con Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Elton John, Lindisfarne, Phil Collins e Nancy Sinatra, mentre tra le registrazioni dei film suona per le colonne sonore di Star Wars, Harry Potter, Braveheart e tra molti altri.
Nel 2005 entra a far parte Northern Sinfonia come primo oboe, dove rimase fino al 2009. Da allora ha suonato come freelance primo oboe in orchestre tra cui l’Academy of San Martin in the Fields, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra e la English Chamber Orchestra, perfezionando la fabbricazione delle canne per l’uso e i gusti di tutti gli oboisti.
ROY CARTER began playing the oboe at 10 years of age under the tutelage of Margaret Eliot. He was awarded a Junior Exhibition Scholarship to The Royal Academy of Music two years later and at 16 he was granted an Open Scholarship to the Royal College of Music. There he studied under Terence McDonough. He won the Joy Boughton Memorial Prize for oboe and was appointed Principal Oboe in the RCM Chamber Orchestra in his second year of study.
Subsequent to leaving college, he embarked on a freelance career across the UK, before joining the Philharmonia Orchestra. In 1978 he was appointed Principal Oboe of the Orchestra of the English National Opera and in 1986 Principal Oboe of the London Symphony Orchestra, a position he held for 19 years.
During that time he toured the world, working under great conductors such as Sir Colin Davis, Bernard Haitink, Michael Tilson Thomas, Lorin Maazel, Valery Gergiev and André Previn. On Christmas Day 1989, he performed at The Berlin Celebration Concert, commemorating the fall of the Berlin Wall, as Principal Oboe of an international orchestra hand-picked and conducted by Leonard Bernstein. It was broadcast live to 22 countries.
Dominic Muldowney was commissioned to write an oboe concerto for him and the LSO to world première and record in 1992. Four more CDs followed between 1995 and 2002, this time as a member of the Deutz Trio; Alongside Paul Edmund-Davis and John Alley, then the LSO’s principal flautist and pianist respectively, He gave masterclasses and performed internationally. To hear some of his recording of the Muldowney.
In his teaching career, he have been a visiting professor at the Royal Academy of Music and Royal College of Music, and between 1990 and 1995 he was Professor of Oboe at Guildhall School of Music and Drama, during which tenure he edited the solo-pieces book series The Oboist’s Collection.
In popular music, he have personally recorded with Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Elton John, Lindisfarne, Phil Collins and Nancy Sinatra, while the film recordings include Star Wars, Harry Potter and Braveheart, among many others.
In 2005 he joined the Northern Sinfonia as Principal Oboe, where he remained until 2009. Since then he have played as a freelance Principal Oboe in orchestras including The Academy of St Martin in the Fields, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the English Chamber Orchestra while perfecting his reeds for the use and enjoyment of all oboists.